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Saturday, January 25, 2025

Libre 2 Glucose Monitor Frequently Asked Questions about Abbott’s FreeStyle

Freestyle Libre 2 is now available in Canada and the United States. Here are some hints, tips, and all of your questions answered about Abbott’s latest CGM (continuous glucose monitor) and how the new CGM is different than Libre 1. For diabetics using Libre 1 or Libre 14-day, the improved accuracy of the Libre 2 CGM is reason enough to upgrade.

Here are some commonly asked questions and answers about the Libre 2 vs Libre 1.

Q: Is Libre 2 More Accurate than Libre 1, Libre 14Day, or other CGMs?

A: Both Libre 2 and its predecessors, estimate our glucose levels by testing the interstitial fluids below our skin.  As it takes our bodies’ interstitial fluids to respond to changes in our blood glucose, a CGM will never be as accurate as a figure glucose blood test.  However, the Libre 2 has unprecedented accuracy in the industry and introduces new features such as measuring glucose levels every minute, and optional glucose alarms. The optional alarms in FreeStyle Libre 2 gives users the option to be alerted in real-time of critical events such as hypoglycemia (low glucose levels3) or hyperglycemia (high glucose levels4) with notifications going to your compatible phone, or reader. Please note, both the reader and the app are not available in all locations.

Q: Is the Freestyle Libre 2 CGM approved for use in Children?

A: Libre 2 is an approved medical device for people with diabetes ages 4 and up in Canada and the United States.

Q: What is the cost for Freestyle Libre 2?

A: Abbott has been marketing the Freestyle Libre 2 at the same cost as Libre 1 or Libre 14 Day. In Canada Libre 2 costs around $100 per sensor, although the price varies by location.

Q: Do Government-issued insurance policies cover the Libre 2 glucose sensor?

A: As Libre 2 was only approved for use in Canada on December 2, 2020 and the United States on June 15, 2020. It has historically taken about a year for Provincial and government health insurance such as Ontario’s Ontario Drug Benefit (ODB) program is now providing public reimbursement for the FreeStyle Libre system for Ontario residents who manage diabetes with insulin. Similar programs are available in Quebec and the Yukon. Check withto accommodate the newer technologies. As of May 2021, only Private Health Insurance is covering Libre 2.

A: As Libre 2 was only approved for use in Canada on December 2, 2020 and the United States on June 15, 2020. It has historically taken about a year for Provincial and government health insurance such as Ontario’s Ontario Drug Benefit (ODB) program is now providing public reimbursement for the FreeStyle Libre system for Ontario residents who manage diabetes with insulin. Similar programs are available in Quebec and the Yukon. Check withto accommodate the newer technologies. As of May 2021, only Private Health Insurance is covering Libre 2.

Q: Does the Freestyle Libre 2 use the same iOS or Android App or use the same reader as the Libre 1 sensor?

A: No, to accommodate the alarms in Libre 2 the App is different, both the reader and the app have been upgraded. It is important to note that this is different by Region. For example, in the UK the App is the same for Libre 1 and Libre 2. As of June 2021, there is not an approved app in the US, only a Reader. In contrast, in Canada – only an App is available, and not the reader.

Q: Will I lose my glucose data when I upgrade to Libre 2?

A: Unfortunately as Abbott’s Freestyle Libre 2 uses a new app (at least in Canada), your historical data that is saved on your phone in the Libre 1 App is not transferred over to the Libre 2 App.

Don’t worry, the data is not lost as our Freestyle Libre apps automatically upload our data to the LibreView website. You can see all of your historical Libre data at www.libreview.com. Log into the website using the same username and password you use to log into your app.

Q: How can I help my Libre 2 Sensor stay on for 14-days?

I have been using the Libre Glucose system since 2018. I have had a few questions from readers on tips to keep their Abbott FreeStyle Libre and Libre 2 from falling or being knocked off before the 14-day expiry. Read our pose on a few tips I have been using to help keep my Libre Sensor from falling or being knocked off of the back of my arm. Read the post here on 7 Tips to help keep your FreeStyle Libre Attached for 14-days.

Q: Does the Freestyle Libre 2 have Alarms for High and Low Glucose?

The biggest advantage of Libre 2 over Libre 14 Days, Libre 10 Days, or Libre 1 is the introduction of glucose alarms for hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) and hyperglycemia (high blood sugar). The new alarms utilize a Bluetooth connection to either the Libre Reader or your Apple or Android phone. The alarms are also sent to secondary devices such as an Apple Watch as a notification.

Q: My Apple Device always says “Signal Loss”, scan your Libre 2 sensor to reconnect your device

A: Apple devices require you to be running the app in the background to be able to communicate with 3rd Party Devices like Dexcom, Freestyle Libre, Tile, your Garmin or Fitbit watch. In order to ensure that you can receive your alarms from your Libre Senor ensure that you do not close the app (do not swipe up to close it), and keep your phone with the range of about 6 meters or 20 feet. If you are out of range, you may not receive glucose alarms.
Bluetooth must be switched on when starting a FreeStyle Libre 2 sensor. Bluetooth and notifications must be turned on to receive glucose alerts.

Further information is available here:

Q: Can I receive glucose alarms from my Libre 2 on more than one device?

A: No, the alarms are only available on one device. To receive optional alarms on your phone, you must scan your FreeStyle Libre 2 sensor with your phone first, you cannot use your reader. You choose which device you want to receive alarms: FreeStyle Libre 2 reader or FreeStyle LibreLink app. You must start your FreeStyle Libre 2 sensor with that selected device. Once you scan your FreeStyle Libre 2 sensor with that device, you can receive alarms only on that device.

Other FreeStyle Libre Resources

This is just one set of helpful tips from one Libre user to another. Be sure to check out a few resources that may be helpful to you and your body type. Here are a few places to start:

  • Accessories, Cases, Patches, and More for the FreeStyle Libre – A list of helpful accessories for your FreeStyle Libre 1 and Libre 2 scanner and sensor. Patches, cases, stickers, adhesive patches and guides to help your Libre last the 14 days in style.
  • Abbott FreeStyle Libre Sensor Adhesion Guide – a few very general tips from Abbott themselves to help keep the Freestyle Libre lasting the 10 to 14 days
  • Freestyle Libre | Official Learning videos and Tips – Abbott, the makers of the Freestyle Libre diabetes glucose monitoring system, has released a series of education and learning videos to help us get the most out of our continuous glucose monitoring system (CGM).

Send me your Freestyle Libre hints and tips!

I would love to hear any other hints or tricks from people. If you are a marketer, please do not provide comments, however, feel free to drop me a message on our contact page.

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Mark Hanlon


Mark is an avid photographer, Starbucks addict, motivated cyclist, struggling runner, and rocking single parent living outside of Toronto, Ontario. Living with two chronic ilnesses, Crohn’s Disease and Diabetes, life for this Transportation Planner and Registered Professional Planner (RPP) can be an interesting mix.