Making You Think blends my passions of running, cycling, photography, and inspirational thoughts with the challenges of living with chronic disease (Crohn's and Diabetes). I hope you enjoy my story.
Living with Diabetes
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- 101 Universe
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- Crohn's Disease & Diabetes
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- Guest Post | Contributions to Making You Think
- Hardware & App Review
- Health and Wellness
- Hints & Tips
- Inspiration
- Life with Crohn's Disease
- Life with Diabetes
- Medications for Chronic Illness
- My Photography
- Nerdy Things
- Opinions
- Photography
- Photography 101
- Product Reviews
- Running and Cycling
- Social Media
- The question of Why
- Training
- What We Said
Mark Hanlon
EditorMark is an avid photographer, Starbucks addict, motivated cyclist, struggling runner, and rocking single parent living outside of Toronto, Ontario. Living with two chronic ilnesses, Crohn’s Disease and Diabetes, life for this Transportation Planner and Registered Professional Planner (RPP) can be an interesting mix.
Most Popular
- All
- 101 Universe
- Blogging 101
- Crohn's Disease & Diabetes
- Crypto Currency
- Diet and Nutrition
- Flickr
- Guest Post | Contributions to Making You Think
- Hardware & App Review
- Health and Wellness
- Hints & Tips
- Inspiration
- Life with Crohn's Disease
- Life with Diabetes
- Medications for Chronic Illness
- My Photography
- Nerdy Things
- Opinions
- Photography
- Photography 101
- Product Reviews
- Running and Cycling
- Social Media
- The question of Why
- Training
- What We Said