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Thursday, July 25, 2024

Tip: How to view webpage HTML on iPad / iPhone

This article outlines the steps required to view the source code (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.) for any webpage on your iDevices including iPad, iPhone or iPod touch using iOS 15 without any hacks or javascript.

How to View HTML source code on iOS Devices like iPhone and iPad

  1. Install a free ios app called View Source
  2. Open Safari and visit a webpage you would like to view the HTML code
  3. Click the Share Button
  4. Navidate down to Actions
  5. Choose View Source

As a web design project manager, I need to view HTML from my iPhone or iPad. Here are a few quick steps to set up your iPhone to view HTML source code. These steps do not require any JAVA hacks, helping a HTML developer take a look at the HTML source code for any website. Check out these steps.

Note, these steps may work on older versions of iOS, however, have not been tested. This process uses a small app without the need for backdoor programming, javascript, or other coding is required! For iOS 12 and lower, scroll down. 

Here are detailed steps that I have been using to view HTML source code without and JAVA hacks.

How to view HTML source code on iPhone / iPad iOS Devices

Step 1: Install a free app from the Apple Store called View Source.

Step 2: Load Safari (iPhone, iPod, or iPad), if it is not already open, and visit any web page.

Step 3: Click the Share Button (it looks like a box with an arrow pointing upwards.)

Step 4. Scroll down to your Actions (below Messenger favourites and app icons)

Step 4: Scroll down to actions (Steps to view HTML in IOS 13)
Step 4: Scroll down to actions (Steps to view HTML in IOS 15)

Step 5. Choose View Source (see Step 5 and 6 if View Source is not listed)

Step 5: Choose View Source to see HTML any time in iOS 13
Step 5: Choose View Source to see HTML any time in iOS 15

Step 6. If View Source is not available – choose edit actions at the bottom of the screen and enable View Source

Step 5: Enable: View Source if missing
Step 6: Enable: View Source if missing

Step 7. To move View Source to the top of the list (favourite Actions) – select edit actions on the bottom of the page.

Step 7: Choose View Source any time to view the page HTML in iOS 13.
Step 7: Choose View Source any time to view the page HTML in iOS 13.

That’s it! Now you can use the new “View Source Button” under your Share Button to review the HTML on any webpage using mobile Safari (and Chrome) on your iDevice (iPhone, iPod, or iPad).

Tremendous kudos to Roman Tomjak and his simple View Source app and clean integration into the safari web environment.

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Mark Hanlon


Mark is an avid photographer, Starbucks addict, motivated cyclist, struggling runner, and rocking single parent living outside of Toronto, Ontario. Living with two chronic ilnesses, Crohn’s Disease and Diabetes, life for this Transportation Planner and Registered Professional Planner (RPP) can be an interesting mix.