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Friday, July 26, 2024

TIP | How to move Safari Search Bar to Top of the Screen in iOS 16

A recent iOS 15 update to Safari (this also applies to iOS 16) on your iPhone or iPad has moved the search bar to the bottom of the screen. The following steps will help you restore the default top location of the Safari Tab Bar.

How to move Safari address bar to top of the screen on your iPhone or iPad

How to move the Safari Address Bar to the top of the screen in iOS 15 & 16

  1. Click on the two AA beside the address bar.
  2. On the tool bar that popped up, select Show Top Address Bar.
  3. Done – your Safari address bar is now on the top of your Safari screen in iOS 15 or iOS 16.
Choose Show Top Address Bar
Mark Hanlon
Mark Hanlonhttps://www.makingyouthink.ca
Mark Hanlon writes about his successes in life balancing fatherhood, running and cycling, and chronic illness (diabetes and Crohns). As an insulin-dependent Type 2 Diabetic and Crohns warrior, Mark does not look at his chronic illnesses as a disability but as motivation to challenge his body and his mind to find that next personal success. Enjoy Mark on his journey at are we "Making you think?".

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