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Friday, July 26, 2024

Photo Challenge: What does Bliss Mean to Me?

Today’s assignment in my Photo 101: A picture a day project is BLISS, what does the word mean to me?

IMAGE: Sparks from a bon-fire (makingyouthink.ca)
ISO 1600, f 2.2, 1/15 sec, 50 mm

This was a tough one to consider – what captures my moment of bliss.  Is it that first sip of a Starbucks Latte, the smell of the fall air, or is it simply a moment in time that transcends all else.  For me, it is the later, and more that moment.  How we build our experiences to transform to that moment?  I had a chance to play around with shutter speed, how best do I capture the movement of the flame and the sparks.

The bliss in this photo is not only the moment my shutter closed, but more importantly the worlds around the fire, the darkness of night, the sounds of the fire.


Mark Hanlon


Mark is an avid photographer, Starbucks addict, motivated cyclist, struggling runner, and rocking single parent living outside of Toronto, Ontario. Living with two chronic ilnesses, Crohn’s Disease and Diabetes, life for this Transportation Planner and Registered Professional Planner (RPP) can be an interesting mix.

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